Wanting to Continuine the Adventures

In the past, I’ve always been on a cross-country trip by car as a child whether if it was to Disney World, Texas, or Georgia to visit other family members. The other places that I’ve visited by car growing up were to Tennessee, North, and South Carolina. The last time that I took a cross-countryContinue reading “Wanting to Continuine the Adventures”

Its Been A While But I Would Love To Go on A Longer One

It’s been a while since I’ve taken a road trip and the last time that I took a road trip with family members was back in the summer of 2016 to San Antonio, TX. This road trip was about an eight-hour drive from my hometown of Vicksburg, MS to San Antonio, TX and that doesn’tContinue reading “Its Been A While But I Would Love To Go on A Longer One”

Adventures in Cozumel Pt 2.

Alright everyone in the last part I’ve talked about my adventures over in Cozumel If you haven’t read part one of the blog posts then click the link to read part one of this blog post then read this one which is the second part of the blog post. https://aflaggs93.wordpress.com/2022/07/15/adventures-in-cozumel-pt-1/ In the first part IContinue reading “Adventures in Cozumel Pt 2.”

Adventures In Cozumel Pt. 1

Ok, everyone even though I didn’t do the first vlog of my adventures from Cozumel, Mexico on June 8th well actually the 9th. It doesn’t mean that I can’t do a blog post about my adventures from when I left on the morning of June 8th to when I came back home on the 13th.Continue reading “Adventures In Cozumel Pt. 1”

First Vacation Blog and other new things are coming in June

Guys, I know that you are tired of me talking about these surprises coming but I am beyond serious. Cause some major things are coming. The first obvious is that I am just about there with the social media pages for this blog whether it is the Instagram page, Twitter, or Facebook page, and yesContinue reading “First Vacation Blog and other new things are coming in June”

Future Road Trip Adventures Planning

Alright, all of you are still wondering what am I up to now and the answer is that I am still working. The other thing is all of you are also wondering when are you going to go on some epic road trips. Guys, don’t worry cause I am already planning on a road trip.Continue reading “Future Road Trip Adventures Planning”